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  3. > Dr. Peter Macek

Dr. Peter Macek

Dr. Peter MacekSpecialist in general medicine and dentistry, CMD and temporomandibular joint therapy, acupuncturist
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Dr Macek is specialist in oral and maxillofacial medicine, a specialist in TMJ (temporomandibular joint) disorders, CMD (craniomandibular dysfunction) and a doctor in general medicine and acupunkture.

At the TRINICUM, Dr Macek treats patients with complaints in the mouth and jaw area. One of his focal points is the treatment of craniomandibular dysfunction, a dysfunction of the masticatory system. Together with Elvira Deim, TMJ therapist at the TRINICUM, he developed a well-grounded diagnosis and therapy for this purpose.

Dr Macek has also been working in the emergency dental clinic for over ten years.

Languages: German, English
Key areas:
  • Jaw and temporomandibular joint disorders.
  • Craniomandibular dysfunction (CMD)
  • Scars and interference fields
  • Acupuncture
  • Osteopathy
  • Manual medicine

Training and further education

Specialist in general medicine and dentistry

Acupuncture, ÖGA (Diploma of the Austrian Medical Association)

Oral acupuncture according to Dr. Jochen M. Gleditsch

Electroacupuncture according to Reinhold Voll

ART testing (autonomous response test)

FMD (Functional Myodiagnostics)

Manual medicine
ÖAMM, Austrian Working Group for Manual Medicine

Osteopathy i. A.
DAAO, German-American Academy for Osteopathy
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Team physiotherapy

Team body therapy

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